Some times we think that "friendship and family can't go together in business." I have heard this saying many times in my life. But some how, I have two friends who are living and demonstrating the very opposite of this saying. I have a feeling that many of you already know of WHOM I am talking about, am I right? Yes! they are Jennifer and Blanca the 2LocasBrand. I have been looking over their growth for the past few months and it is incredible to see Mi Gente pushing themselves up to some good in this world.
What is so special about their brand? Why are you reading about them right now? Let me tell you!!
More than a business, these ladies are making history. That is right, just so you know they started their printing shirt company thinking in "the language that our parents thought us, [that] connects us to our culture in a special way." More over, "2LocasBrand came about because we both felt the need to make apparel that represented and embraced our culture... When we were thinking of a name we wanted it resonate with who we are. Blanca's mom calls us locas because when we get together we are always laughing, cracking jokes." As Blanca said.
Many of us as Hispanics/Latinos, always fall in the misunderstanding that we should not let our children speak our language. Some parents are even offended when the service of interpretation is offered (I'm not blaming them, only God knows what they have gone through to get to that point). But the way Jennifer and Blanca see it, makes me really happy. Please see these 15 stats that prove that being bilingual is awesome!
And then, their second t-shirt says it all. To recognize who you are, to accept who you are, to be true to yourself you must be "Inteligente Fuerte & Valiente" (Intelligent, Strong, and Brave). These three words are strong words to me that denominate the kind of person everyone is aiming to be. Why not to teach this to our children while they are young? as Jennifer says, "Blanca tells her son to remember that he is inteligente, fuerte and valiente, that he can do anything he wants to do." Exactly, what parent doesn't want their children to be smart, strong, and brave? I do not know any.
Thank you chicas (Jennifer and Blanca) for showing your braveness through your brand. If you want to go ahead and support these two ladies Click Here to buy their product!
I hope this little means a lot to you...
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